Librarian (profession governed by Law no. 4/2013;
registered in the List of AIB Associates , resolution no. E / 2015/2022)
Think global,
act regional and local!
The experience of AIB

2014-2017 : elected member of the Regional Executive Committee of AIB Umbria;
2017-2020 : Elected President of AIB Umbria;
2020-2023 : web editor e delegate to the digital libraries of AIB Umbria.
The adventure with AIB (Italian Library Association) began in 2012 when, at the solicitude of a colleague, I was sent to present my application for admission as a member which was then successful. These were my first years in the world of libraries and, in the absence of experience in the field, I complied with a lot of enthusiasm. Yes, the enthusiasm that does not always lead to quality productions but that certainly, together with a minimum of self-denial and commitment, can make up for that experience that only the passing years can consolidate. And so it was. In 2014, a former AIB President, meeting me, proposed that I submit my candidacy to enter the CER of the AIB Umbrian section. For the 3 years of my mandate, following my aptitudes and skills, I dealt with digital in various aspects: I was appointed contact person for communication and the web and I was in charge of managing the section's internet page, updating its contents. based on the events and activities of the section. These three years have served me to increase and improve my skills and to see closely how the Association interfaced with the various interlocutors with whom it interacted. In 2017, it was time for new elections and it happened that, for a series of particular events, the outgoing President not only proposed to me to renew my candidacy for another term but even to think about taking over the Presidency. Madness was my first thought. I reserved to think about it for a while and in the end, perhaps with a pinch of that same healthy madness, I decided to try this adventure. At the worst that could happen to me, I would burn off my eventual career as a librarian and return to be a waiter like when I was a student. I cannot say how the story ended, as it is still "in writing" and will end in 2020, but to date I can be very satisfied with the experience. As I always say to those who come to AIB, which is nothing more than a form of voluntary associations, it is not done for money, nor to buy a car or take a vacation, on the contrary. It is done out of passion. It is done because you believe so strongly in that cause that you marry it, it becomes yours. On the other hand, the AIB, in the case of us librarians, gives you the opportunity to meet many people and to share many experiences different from yours that make you grow both professionally and also humanly and this, you do not put in a current account, but you put it in your shoulders. For this reason, in this capacity and in this adventure, I always repeat to myself: "Think global - act regional and local!" - "Think globally and act regionally and locally".