Librarian (profession governed by Law no. 4/2013;
registered in the List of AIB Associates , resolution no. E / 2015/2022)
Think global,
act regional and local!
Mario Coffa, AIB training. Strategies, tools and perspectives in Teachers and librarians on the road to lifelong learning , by Patrizia Lùperi; presentation by Elisa Callegari; introductory essay by Luisa Marquardt. Rome: Italian Library Association, 2021. (AIB Regional Sections Series. Friuli Venezia Giulia, 1). ISBN 978-88-7812-335-9;
Profession, training and Ukulele. Being a librarian in Hawaii. Mario Coffa interviews Brian R. Huffman. Mario Coffa, European Insula, 2021;
The future of our libraries. Mario Coffa interviews Ioannis Trohopoulos , Mario Coffa, Insula Europea, 2021;
Sharing, digital libraries and education. Being a librarian in Bangladesh. Mario Coffa interviews Dilara Begum , Mario Coffa, Insula Europea, 2021;
Learning and sharing globally: Interview with Mario Coffa , IFLA, 1 October 2021 at
University libraries, sharing and Open Access. Mario Coffa interviews Ertuğrul Çimen , Mario Coffa, European Insula, 2021;
Where do our libraries go? Mario Coffa interviews Antonella Agnoli, Mario Coffa, Insula Europea, 2021;
"Book for Africa". Being a librarian in Ethiopia. Mario Coffa interviews Mulugeta Woldetsadik , Mario Coffa, Insula Europea, 2021;
From the "Coffee Book" to art cinema. Librarians on the go. Mario Coffa interviews Kirsten Boelt , Mario Coffa, European Insula, 2021;
"The living library that transforms the community". Mario Coffa interviews Izaskun Herrojo Salas , Mario Coffa, Insula Europea, 2021;
"Going Global!". From EBLIDA to IFLA. Mario Coffa interviews Gerlad Leitner , Mario Coffa, Insula Europea, 2021;
In the library at the gates of Everest. Being a librarian in Nepal. Mario Coffa interviews Reshma Dangol , Mario Coffa, Insula Europea, 2021;
The path to the world of the librarian. A short story by an excellent Hong Kong student. Mario Coffa interviews Boris Au , Mario Coffa, Insula Europea, 2021;
We defend libraries. A librarian in Sri Lanka. Mario Coffa interviews Premila Gamage , Mario Coffa, European Insula, 2021;
Library World Tour. The new holiday shores. Why include archives and libraries . Bergamo Library Network Newsletter, 2021;
The Library World Tour project. The Library is for Everyone and Everywhere , SET Bulletin (Vol. 22, N 2), IFLA, 2021;
Organizational development and strategy in the library. Mario Coffa interviews Catharina Isberg , Mario Coffa, Insula Europea, 2021;
The challenges of librarians and libraries. Mario Coffa interviews Barbara Lison , Mario Coffa, Insula Europea, 2021;
Training, volunteering and "rural libraries". Mario Coffa interviews Amandine Jacquet , Mario Coffa, Insula Europea, 2021;
The library in Egypt, "the sacred place of the Muses". Mario Coffa interviews Heba Ismail , Mario Coffa, Insula Europea, 2021;
Librarian in Colombia between Wikipedia, copyright (and more!). Mario Coffa interviews David Ramirez-Ordonez , Mario Coffa, Insula Europea, 2021;
What is a library? Who is the librarian? Mario Coffa interviews Anna Maria Tammaro , Mario Coffa, Insula Europea, 2021;
Librarians in Nigeria. Access to information is a human right! Mario Coffa interviews Nkem Osuigwe , Mario Coffa, Insula Euroepa, 2021;
Innovation and future. The library I would like! Mario Coffa interviews Erik Boekesteijn , Mario Coffa, Insula Euroepa, 2021;
Open, free and transparent libraries. Mario Coffa interviews Andrés Reinoso , Mario Coffa, Insula Euroepa, 2021;
The library in Egypt, "the sacred place of the Muses". Mario Coffa interviews Heba Ismail , Mario Coffa, Insula Europea, 2021 ;
Open, free and transparent libraries. Mario Coffa interviews Andres Reinoso , Mario Coffa, Insula Europea, 2021 ;
From Ranganathan to the present day. Being a librarian in India. Mario Coffa interviews Hariranjan Mishra , Mario Coffa, Insula Europea, 2021
Library for everyone and learning for a lifetime! Mario Coffa interviews Jasmina Ninkov , Mario Coffa, Insula Europea, 2021;
Libraries in Russia and profession. Mario Coffa interviews Albina Krymskaya , Mario Coffa, Insula Europea, 2021;
"Libraries without walls" in South Africa. Mario Coffa interviews John Tsebe , Mario Coffa, Insula Europea, 2021;
Being a librarian in Asia and Africa. Mario Coffa interviews Ibrahim Ramjaun , Mario Coffa, Insula Europea, 2021;
Idea Stores and virtual room. The library as a "third place". Mario Coffa interviews Maija Berndtson , Mario Coffa, Insula Europea, 2021;
Librarians, storytelling and "Philippine eLib". Mario Coffa interviews Blesila Velasco , Mario Coffa, Insula Europea, 2021;
Social, Open Access and Media Literacy as a response to disinformation. Mario Coffa interviews Jonathan Hernàndez, Mario Coffa, Insula Europea, 2021;
“Bibliotecas por um mundo melhor”. Mario Coffa interviews Jorge Moisés Kroll do Prado, Mario Coffa, European Insula, 2021;
Digital Divide, Gender Inclusiveness and WeChat. Mario Coffa interviews Raymond Pun, Mario Coffa, European Insula, 2021;
The digital library. Towards the creation of a Popular Platform. Mario Coffa interviews Liz McGettigan , Mario Coffa, European Insula, 2021;
The CERN library in Geneva. Mario Coffa interviews Tullio Basaglia , Mario Coffa, European Insula, 2021;
“Librarian, traveler, optimist”. Mario Coffa interviews Christine Mackenzie (IFLA President), Mario Coffa, European Insula, 2021;
AIB training at the time of Covid 19. And after? Strategies, tools and perspectives , Mario Coffa, AIB News, 2021;
Libraries, digital and marketing beyond covid. Mario Coffa interviews Anna Busa , Mario Coffa, Insula Europea, 2021;
The Vatican Secret Archive. Interview with Luca Carboni in: Avolesi in the world year XX n. 1 (44) June 2019, ISBN 978-88-962-1745-0;
"Libraries motors of change" and the social role of (digital) libraries for thei communities. Interview with IFLA President Glòria Pérez-Salmeron , Mario Coffa, Digital Library Perspectives , Emerald Insight, 2019, DOI 10.1108 / DLP-07-2019-0029, ISSN 2059-5816;
Report on the state of the art of Umbrian libraries , Italian Library Association Umbria section, Mario Coffa, July 2019;
Секретный архив Ватикана. Миф и реальность. Марио Коффа берет интервью у Луки Карбони , Mario Coffa, Insula Europea, 2019;
"Bibliotecas motores del Cambio". Libraries' strategies and future perspectives. Mario Coffa interviews Glòria Pérez-Salmeròn (IFLA President) , Mario Coffa, Insula Europea, 2019;
The value and significance of Library Associations around the world: libraries, librarians and communities. Mario Coffa, President of AIB Umbria, interviews Loida Garcia-Febo, President of ALA , Mario Coffa, Insula Europea, 2019.
The value and significance of the Libraries Association in the World: Libraries, Librarians and Communities , Mario Coffa, Insula Europea, 2019.
Fan and blogger videogamers , Henry Hopkins: review for Readings without credits, April 2019, project for the Humanistic Library of the University of Perugia.
E-lending in Italy: the MLOL experience. Mario Coffa interviews Giulio Blasi , Mario Coffa, Insula Europea, 2019.
The suspect. For a phenomenology of the media , Boris Groys: review for Readings without credits, February 2019, project for the Humanistic Library of the University of Perugia.
TDL: The Digital Lending , Mario Coffa, in Insula Europea, 2018.
The Vatican Secret Archive. A journey between the charm of myth and reality. Mario Coffa interviews Luca Carboni , Mario Coffa, Insula Europea, 2018.
Libraries and librarians: tradition, present and perspectives. Mario Coffa interviews David Lankes , Mario Coffa, in Insula Europea, 2018.
Literature and photography , Silvia Albertazzi: review for Readings without credits, December 2018, project for the Humanistic Library of the University of Perugia.
Global vision discussion report of the AIB Italian Virtual Meeting , in, IFLA, 2017.