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Welcome to Agorà Space!

Immagine del redattore: Mario CoffaMario Coffa

In this virtual square it will be possible to practically activate the Library World Tour network and it will be possible for all librarians belonging to the network (and not only) to be able to compare and exchange ideas. In this way we could touch experiences that are constantly updated and remain in constant contact with the world of libraries all over the world.

Posts and reactions can be entered anonymously or by registering.

Welcome and enjoy this space. Your and our space.

And above all, use it !!!!


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Benvenuti in Agorà Space!

In questa piazza virtuale sarà possibile attivare praticamente la rete del Library World Tour e sarà possibile per tutti i bibliotecari...

1 Comment

African Youth SDGs Summit at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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