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Benvenuti in Agorà Space!

Immagine del redattore: Mario CoffaMario Coffa

Aggiornamento: 28 feb 2022

In questa piazza virtuale sarà possibile attivare praticamente la rete del Library World Tour e sarà possibile per tutti i bibliotecari appartenenti alla rete (e non solo) potersi confrontare e scambiare idee. In questo modo potremmo toccare con mano le esperienze sempre in continuo aggiornamento e rimanere in costante contatto col mondo delle biblioteche di tutto il mondo.

I post e le reazioni possono essere inserite in forma anonima oppure registrandosi.

Benvenuti e godetevi questo spazio. Il vostro e il nostro spazio.

E soprattutto, usatelo!!!!


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Welcome to Agorà Space!

In this virtual square it will be possible to practically activate the Library World Tour network and it will be possible for all...


Mar 02, 2022

Secondly, these four decades have also equipped me with some kind of lens to observe, analyse and and have a better understanding of human nature - be it patrons, library managers, peers, and other stakeholders. Thus, my interpersonal skills have improved a lot. Human nature has not changed fundamentally despite the fantastic progress in science and technology.


Mar 02, 2022

Hi, all LIS professionals worldwide. Thank you Mario for providing us with this Agora platform to interact with colleagues irrespective of time, location, gender, nationality, creed etc. This year will mark my 40th year in this profession. Today, I wish to share a few things with you based on my journey. I have learnt quite a number of lessons. Prominent among them is the fact that working in all the four main types of libraries: national, academic, public and special is a unique opportunity: it provides one with breadth and depth of experience and is very enriching indeed. Second, but no less important: these four decades have also equipped me with some kind of lens to observe and analyse …

Mario Coffa
Mario Coffa
Mar 02, 2022
Replying to

Best wishes for your 40 years of profession and thank you for sharing your experience. If you want, you can launch a new post on this interesting topic! Have a nice day and good work!


Mar 01, 2022

Aloha and thanks for your initiative. This will be an excellent space to meet new librarians and learn what others are doing. I applaud your efforts, Mario.


Law Librarian, Honolulu HI (USA)


Wow, this is a great contribution to broadening international networking among professionals!

I think it is the tip of the iceberg. Keep up.

Thanks to Mario Coffa, the initiator of LWT and vibrant librarian behind the Library World Tour. Surprisingly, your creation of a space named "Agora Space".- a sort of a blog within the Library World Tour page - where it's possible to write all these reflections or give life to discussions and debates on issues that concern our profession and beyond.

I hope in my view Library World Tour and in addition, the new space named Agora Space will be an impressive interactive space for international networking of the emerging young leaders of library professionals worldwide.

Library World…


Marco Tognato
Marco Tognato
Mar 01, 2022

Bravo Mario, ottima iniziativa!

Two thumbs up! 😉

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